Saturday, May 29, 2004

Movie of the Week

Saved! is just brilliant. Criticism of Christianity--especially in America--is commonly something that filmmakers (and large media corporations) shy away from, but this film accurately and successfully parodized both the Willow Creek-style belief-less attitude many churches have, and the inane right-wing fundamentalist virus that has crept into politics. And it was cuuuute too! I like Patrick Fugit. But I LOVE Jena Malone.

IKEA fieldtrip tomorrow!

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Saturday, May 22, 2004


I just returned from a brief sojourn in suburbia to see my high school's production of "Clue." What's that, you say? There's a stage version of that film I fell in love with so long ago? Nay, nay. They simply ILLEGALLY printed the film script off some internet source and staged it. Hm.

Now, knowing full well that some Jacobs people read this, I'll be nice. And truly, the brunt of my issues with the show stem from the fact that I COULDN'T HEAR IT. I think (and had I been elected drama club pres. my senior year, this was my main goal...but, who wanted to elect a fag to be president of drama club? that's positively unheard of.) that some sort of parentally-run booster club MUST be erected, so that the theater program can succumb to a much-needed rehabilitation. If there were a booster club on the level of Vocal-Strings or whatnot, a new sound system (A MUST) could be purchased, more money could be spent on costuming, sets, PUBLICITY (I could have spat on the entire audience in one fell loogie, it was so minute) and lighting, and perhaps the school could put on a play that they'd BOUGHT THE RIGHTS TO. Otherwise, the show was alright. Just a poor show to pick, I think. But talent-wise, it was alright.

Another blah weekend. I work all day and all night tomorrow, and I have an 8AM meeting on Sunday. Rumor has it Zoe's in town, which is frustrating because I have no time to spend with her. Luckily, i have several events to look forward to in June: David Sedaris on the 4th, Rufus sometime in the middle of the month, and pride at the end. And my superexciting Af-Am history and politics class.

'Tis all.

Friday, May 14, 2004


So, I leave the Blogging world for one month, and the setup is completely different. Ah, life.

The fact that my computer decided to finally stop working altogether IN THE MIDDLE OF FINALS WEEK not only hindered me while writing my seminar papers, but prevented me from applying to, and eventually getting--I have connections--a meeting planning internship with the American Library Association. As it violently shuts down every time I try to reformat it, my computer has prevented me from a multitude of things that I would normally be able to access through Theo's computer...except that he's a computer Nazi.

I didn't do as well as I would have liked this semester. And that's all about that. Looking forward to summer/fall classes.

I painted my room a wretched color of lavenderpurple today. It's hideous and fit to be a tween girl's room.

I've already run out of negative adjectives, I think.

I've been reading a lot--catching up on books I wanted to read all semester but didn't have time to.

- Yann Martel's Life of Pi: Brilliant; fun theological things woven into a delightful "adventure" story.
- Augusten Burroughs's Running With Scissors and Dry: I don't think he should be an author. His latter title epitomizes his writing--dry like a week-old piece of bread.
- Lynne Truss's Eats, Shoots, and Leaves: Love the topic, hate her writing. I wanted to scratch my eyeballs out at times. British punctuation is sometimes queer.

Theo and I, after inevetable rollercoaster weeks, are fine as of all day after this morning. Mornings are not good for us--I like sleeping in, and he gets upset when I don't wake up. Then, I usually say something really insulting that I forget about when I fall back asleep five minutes later. Then, I officially wake up and he isn't speaking to me.

Yuki is wonderful; a bit hot, because I haven't had time to have her shorn, but otherwise great. A disgusting, soaking wet Bassett Hound tried mounting/humping her at the dog park on Monday. She would have none of it.

I chauffered my sister around for her pre-prom appointments a week or two ago. She looked lovely in a strapless mint green gown. I think she had a good time with her boyfriend, WHO IS GOING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO IN THE FALL--ahhhhh. So jealous.

I think that is all. Oh! As usual, I have a laundry list of people to call, and I get to see Erin tomorrow. Hopefully.